Here we are discussing about test to identify knee joint dislocation and diseases 1. Collateral ligament instability tests (valgus & varus stress tests): 2. Lachman stress test: 3. Anterior (posterior) drawer test 4. McMurray test 5. Clarke’s sign 6. Apley test: Patellar tap test (Ballotable […]
AIDS/HIV is a multi system disorder caused by human immuno deficiency virus.In this article we are discussing clinical features & diagnosis CLINICAL FEATURES OF AIDS/HIV DIAGNOSIS OF HIV/AIDS The investigations of a suspected case of HIV/AIDS are considered in 3 groups 1. Tests for identify […]
Rubella is one of childhood infection caused by toga virus,self limiting disease presenting as eruption. Here we provides neet pg notes of rubella Other names: German Measles, Third Disease Rubella neet pg notes: Causes • Rubella is caused by Togavirus,which is a RNA virus Incubation […]
Dr. KENT’S has given 12 observation in homoeopathy about disease, medicine, aggravation, prognosis,curable or not, that is given below 1. FIRST OBSERVATION of Dr.KENT’S 12 observation in homoeopathy 2. SECOND OBSERVATION Dr.KENT’S 12 observation in homoeopathy 3. THIRD OBSERVATION of Dr.KENT’S 12 observation in homoeopathy […]
Mainly 2 arteries supplies to heart, they are right and left coronary arteries. Here we are checking arterial supply of the heart Arterial supply of the heart: 1.Right coronary artery It is smaller than the left coronary artery. It arises from the anterior aortic sinus […]
We just learned about all the bones in the human body, but if these are so hard, how is it that the human body is so flexible and bendy, such variety of motion is made possible by things called joints. These are found where bones […]
Your oesophagus is the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach, gastroesophageal reflux disease,GERD or acid reflux happens when a muscle at the end of your oesophagus does not close properly. This allows stomach contents to lean back or reflux into the […]
Here we are checking test to identify different shoulder joint problems, that includes speeds test, drop arm test, belly press test… Tests for muscles & tendons pathology: 1.test to identify shoulder joint problems, Yergason’s test: 2. Speed’s test (Biceps straight arm) 3.Drop arm test: 4. […]
Any epidemic that has erupted anywhere in the world since the Covid epidemic has attracted our special attention. It is also a matter of concern to us that in this age of improved travel technologies, it does not take much time for humans, animals and […]
There are several instruments used in public health. All instruments have there own purpose. Here we are discussing about some important instruments used in public health sector and their uses in brief Read more:AIAPGET 2020:ADMIT CARD RELEASED&INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS Buy now