Here we are discussing about top 10 Homoeopathic Remedies for excessive sleepy or drowsiness.
There are any reason for sleepy behavior or drowsiness.One of main reason appear suddenly is last days sleeping behaviour.Some diseases also causes drowsiness or sleepy nature like thyroid,cancer…etc
First Homoeopathic remedies excessive sleepy is Antim Crud
Suitable for children and young adult.Old people with continues drowsy sleep.Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at.Great sadness.
Also read;important trios of homoeopathic medicines
- Lymphatic temperament
- Perfect indifference
- falls asleep,while speaking,or at middle of answering
- Suitable to person with thick rigid hair
- Suited to old people
- Disturbed mental function after mental shock or from exhusting disease
- Complaints from long lasting grief,sorrow.From loss of sleep or night watching
- very drowsy.
- Can hardly keep awake
- Used in prolponged drowsiness
- It may continue many days
- Useful for drowsiness in drunkards
5.Cimex Leet
Irresistable desire to sleepiness
6.Hydrocyaninum Acidum
Irresistable drowsiness
- Aversion to work
- Sleeps all time
8.Natrum Sulph
- From dampness of weather
- Inability to think
- Sad,gloomy,
- Dislike to speak
- Mental traumatism
- Sleeps while reading
- Adapted to old people and children
- First and second childhood diseases
- Falls asleep while work.
- Great drowsiness
- Phlegmatic temperament
- Sandy hair
- Pale face
- Blue eyes
- Sleepy while eating
Do homoeopathic medicines cause sleep?
- No,there is no evidence for homoeopathic medicines cause sleep.Many homoeopathic medicines are used for execessive sleepy or drowsiness.Here we are discussed about it