Ayurvedic treatment for haemorrhoids

According to Ayurveda, there are two types of hemorrhoids,one is associated with vata and pitta imbalances.Here we are checking various Ayurvedic treatment for haemorrhoids

• Vata hemorrhoids are very small type , dry, and irregular in shape and may be accompanied by fissures or cracking of the anus. They are rough and hard to the touch and look like raisins. Vata type of hemorrhoids may become active when the person takes more antibiotics or does a lot of cycling or physical exercise,physical exersions,or long drive

• Pitta-type hemorrhoids tend to get red, irritated, and inflamed and to bleed. haemorrhoids are look like purple bunch of grapes and are painful sometimes they are very painfu to the touch. When they burst, they bleed extensively.

There are also kapha hemorrhoids, which look like green grapes. Theydon’t bleed, and people generally live with them without problems, so we won’t consider them in this section.We can also distinguish between “internal” and “external”hemorrhoids. The internal kind are usually of the kapha variety and are more like polyps. They are not painful and are generally not problematic.

In most cases, hemorrhoids can be completely healed by Ayurvedic treatment, but one must first understand the distinction between the two basic problematic types in order to treat them properly.


• A person with vata hemorrhoids should follow the vata-pacifying diet. Especially, it is vital to keep away from the night shade vegetables—potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant—all of which aggravate hemorrhoids.

• Take triphala guggulu, 1 tablet 3 times a day.

• Another helpful herbal formula for vata-type hemorrhoids is acombination of these herbs:hingwastak ⅛ partdashamoola 2 partsTake ½ teaspoon 2 or 3 times a day with warm water.

• It is important to keep the stools loose and soft, as hard stools irritatethe hemorrhoids. Taking 1 teaspoon of sat isabgol (psyllium husks) witha glass of warm milk at night is beneficial for vata hemorrhoids.

• Another way to help keep the stools soft is to take ½ to 1 teaspoon oftriphala powder at bedtime with warm water.

• Prepare a warm castor oil or sesame oil pack, and sit on it for awhile. Both oils are warming; castor oil especially produces a slow,sustained heat that is soothing and healing. Warm up about 3tablespoons of oil, and pour it onto a handkerchief or other soft cloth,spreading it equally on the cloth (or dip the cloth in the oil).


• For pitta-type hemorrhoids, the first step is to follow the pitta-pacifying diet, especially avoiding spicy and fermented foods (seechapter 8).

• For hemorrhoids which become active and inflamed and startbleeding, one should prepare an herbal mixture of:guduchi 1 partneem 2 partskama dudha ⅛ partTake ½ teaspoon of this mixture twice a day with warm water.

• If you have rectal bleeding from the hemorrhoid, drink a few ouncesof cranberry juice and pomegranate juice (mixed half and half) between meals. That juice will act as a hemostatic, to stop the bleeding.

• Locally, you can apply coconut oil, which helps to controlinflammation and irritation as well as bleeding.

• As in the case of vata hemorrhoids, it is important to keep the stoolsoft to avoid aggravating the condition. To accomplish this, take ½ to 1teaspoon of amaloki at night with cool water. Or you can take 1 teaspoonof sat isabgol (psyllium husks) with a glass of warm milk at night.


• Steep triphala (1 teaspoon) overnight in a glass of water, and then thenext day, early in the morning, after brushing your teeth, drink that tea.


• All types of hemorrhoids respond well to aloe vera juice. Drink ½cupful of the pure juice 3 times a day.

• Or you can add a pinch of ginger to 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel, andtake it twice a day.

• Drink 1 cup carrot juice mixed with 2 teaspoons cilantro juice twicea day on an empty stomach for relief of hemorrhoids.

• Externally, you can also apply a mixture of ½ teaspoon turmeric and1 teaspoon ghee directly to the hemorrhoid at bedtime. (But rememberthat the yellow color of the turmeric will stain whatever cloth ittouches.)

• After each bowel movement, instead of using dry toilet paper, wash the anal orifice with warm water, and then apply some castor oil to the hemorrhoid. The dry paper may irritate the delicate mucous membrane and aggravate the hemorrhoid. It can also spread some fecal matter to the site of the hemorrhoid and lead to complications.

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