GERD (Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease): important notes

Let’s check some important notes of GERD including clinical features, diagnosis and treatment Factors preventing gastro-oesophageal reflux Etiology: Incompetence of the lower oesophageal sphincter(LES) causes gastro-esophageal reflux. Important notes of Clinical features in GERD Diagnosis 1.Endoscopy – may show reflux esophagitis, pepticstricture or Barrett’s esophagus. […]

Chemical names of Vitamins &functions

Chemical names of vitamin Vit A-RetinolVit C-Ascorbic acidVit D-CalciferolVit E-TocopherolVit K-PhylloquinoneVit B1-ThiamineVit B2-RiboflavinVit B3-NiacinVit B5-Pantothenic acidVit B6-PyridoxineVit B7-BiotinVit B9-Folic acid functions of vitamin VITAMIN A:keeps your skin glowing, wardsoff illness and infection andmaintains healthy visionVITAMIN B12:boosts energy levels,promotes DNA production andoptimizes brain healthVITAMIN C:aids in […]

Specific test for each diseases

Alpha-fetoprotein blood test-early detection of liver cancer Pilocarpine iontophoresis test– to diagnose cystic fibrosis Colonoscopy-colon cancer Schiller’s test-Carcinoma cervix Schilling’s test-B12 deficiency Kveim test-Sarcoidosis Mammography-breast cancer Schick test, Elek’s test -Diphtheria Dick test-Scarlet fever CA-125 test-ovarian camcer VDRL, FTA, TPAH tests,Khan test, Wasserman test -Syphilis […]


INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS is known as Glandular Fever ETIOLOGY OF GLANDULAR FEVER Causative organisms are Ebstein Barr virus it is a type of DNA virus,oncogenic virus SPREAD occur via droplet infection. rarely blood borne INCUBATION PERIOD OF GLANDULAR FEVER 1 -2 months. The virus infect the […]

Important “Rose” in medical terms

Rose sign – DVT. Rose spot – typhoid. Rose Waller test- rheumatoid factor. Rose pink rash- erysipelas. Rose thorn ulcer- Crohn disease. Rose Bengal stain- Sjogren syndrome( eye Rose Bengal card test- Brucella. Rose garder’s disease- sporothrix scheinki. Rose position- adenoidectomy / tonsillectomy. Rosewater syndrome-a […]