Rubella is one of childhood infection caused by toga virus,self limiting disease presenting as eruption. Here we provides neet pg notes of rubella Other names: German Measles, Third Disease Rubella neet pg notes: Causes • Rubella is caused by Togavirus,which is a RNA virus Incubation […]
Let’s check some important notes of GERD including clinical features, diagnosis and treatment Factors preventing gastro-oesophageal reflux Etiology: Incompetence of the lower oesophageal sphincter(LES) causes gastro-esophageal reflux. Important notes of Clinical features in GERD Diagnosis 1.Endoscopy – may show reflux esophagitis, pepticstricture or Barrett’s esophagus. […]
Bell’s palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in a temporary inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. The cause of Bell’s palsy is unknown. Risk factors include diabetes, a recent upper respiratory tract infection, and pregnancy. […]
The gas formation or flatulence is the most common problem of the people. In homeopathy lots of medicines are there but here is given 8 best medicines. Let’s check various homoeopathic medicines for gas formation Carbo Veg: first best homoeopathic medicines for gas formation 1. […]
Causative organisms —Paramyxovirus Clinical features Fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivitis RASH Maculopapular rash that spreads from head to f Diagnosis Leukopenia LymphopeniaFourfold rise in hemagglutinin inhibition antibody A Complications: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis Vitamin A deficiency Bronchiectasis PNA A Pneumonic: Cough Coryza ConjunctivitisA Notes : Koplik spots […]
Important Tests : Adom test – Scoliosis Allen test – ABG Analysis Aldehyde test – Leprosy Phosphate test – Pasteurization Patch test – Allergic Reaction Tourniquet test – Dengue Urea Breath test – H.Pylori Schick test – Diphtheria Dick test – Scarlet Fever Rothers test […]
▪️Type 2 is the most common Type of Diabetes seen in the World▪️It is characterized by an raise in the blood glucose level resulting from a relative insulin deficiency or insulin resistance or both.▪️ It is also called as adult type of diabetes. Causes of […]
First nosode-Ambra grisea Second nosode-psorinum Digitalis of Kidneys-solidago Friend of Occulist-calcarea carb Gregory’s powder-magcarb Hahnemann’s greatest polychrest remedy -nux vomica Homoeopathic antiseptic-calendula Homoeopathic catheter-sabal serrulata Liver of Sulphur-hepar sulph Schussler’s bone salt-calcarea Flour Schussler’sPulsatilla-kali sulph Sometimes makes the use of the catheter unnecessary-solidago The weather […]
PEDIATRICS important topics are given below General Pediatrics Normal growth Developmental Milestones Immunisation Breast milk: composition, advantages, contraindications Severe acute malnutrition, Kwashiorkor Marasmus Inborn errors of metabolism Genetic disorders: ➡️ Down ➡️Turner ➡️Noonan ➡️Edward ➡️Patau ➡️Fragile x syndromes Kawasaki disease, henoch schonlein purpura Neonatalogy Neonatal […]
Allergic to dust, smoke,strong perfumes Histamine 1M weekly (3 Doses) Allergic to bread, acidic food Nat Mur 30 or 200, 4 hourly Allergic to beer, malt liquor Kali Bich 30, 4 hourly Allergic to dust(asthma), Pothos Foe 6X or 30, 4 hourly Allergic to warm […]