IMPORTANT TOPICS IN BIOCHEMISTRY FOR NEET PG,AIAPGET…..etc are as follows Basic Biochemistry Most important: Cycles Metabolism: Chemistry and Metabolism of Carbohydrates Glycolysis Gluconeogenesis Glycogen storage disease Chemistry and Metabolism of Lipid Chemistry and Metabolism of Proteins Metabolic importance of amino acids Krebs cycle ETC Vitamins […]
Forensic medicine is a branch of medical science which deals with the application of medical knowledge to help or aid in the administration of justice.Forensic- originates from the Greek which means open forum Other names Forensic medicine are legal medicine or state medicine. Forensic medicine […]
Gynecology comparison between labia majora and scrotum bartholins gland uterus ;uterine wall uterine appendages layers of fallopian tube menstruation cycle mullerian duct anomalies lichen sclerosus uterine prolapse endometriosis Ca ovary, steps of staging laparotomy. Abnormal Bleeding: Management metropathia haemorrhagica GTD PCOS: Criteria Patho-Physiology Management of […]
Here we are discussing about ‘most common’ practice medicine questions frequently asked in NEET PG,AIMS PG,AIAPGET Most common cancer in females is breast cancer. Most common cancer in males is prostatic cancer. Most common cancer causing death in both gender is lung cancer Most common […]
Trios of homoeopathic medicine are given below disease conditions medicines Trio of Hyper- aesthesia Plumbum, China,Capsicum. Trio of Thirstlessness Apis,Aethusa,Pulsatilla. Trio of Delirium Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium. Trio of Masturbation and Excessive venery Nux vomica , Staphysagria , Bufo rana. Trio of Croup Aconite, Spongia, Hepar […]