Factors affecting development of child
There are many Factors affects development of child,thats devided into
- prenatal factors
- neonatal factors
- post natal factors
- social factors
1.Prenatal factors:
- IQ of parents can correlates with IQ of the child. Othe factor affecting devolpment of child Parental attitudes, involvement, education and desire for the child.
- Genetic factors like Chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome,Klinifeltors syndrome ), Fragile X, subtelomeric deletion, single gene disorders, lissencephaly, phenyl ketonuria.
- Maternal factors like Maternal drug or alcohol abuse, PIH, hypothyroidism, mal-nutrition, fetoplacental insufficiency, TORCH infections,AIDS, exposure to free radicals and chemicals, oxidants in-utero, stress and strain, anxiety.
Neonatal risk factors
- Low birth weight—Growth retardation,premature babies, hypoxia, hypoglycemia&hyperglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia
- Neonatal seizures—Malformation of brain, IEM, severe hypoxia, intracranial bleed, and infections.
Post Neonatal factors
- Nutritional factors—Calorie deficiency, iodine deficiency,vitamin deficiency,protien deficiency
- Acquired insults to brain
- Endocrine factors—Hypothyroidism,hyperthyroidism
- Associated impairment—Vision or hearing troubles
- Others—environmental exposure (lead, mercury,pesticides)
Socioecnomic factors
- Parenting;positive parenting helps to child achieve good health and growth
- Poverty,negatively affects the child growth
- Lack of stimulation
- Violence and abuse,negatively affects mental growth