Homoeopathic mother tinctures and it’s uses
Homoeopathic mother tinctures have wide variety of uses. It is used as external and internal remedies for various diseases. Here we are discussing about Homoeopathic mother tinctures and its uses
N.O | Name of homoeopathic mother tincture | Uses |
1 | Aclypha indica | Cough with bloody expectoration, Haemoptysis; Spluttering diarrhea; Rectal bleeding, bleeding of pulmonary TB |
2 | Adonis vernalis | Regulates pulse, increases power of cardiac contraction; Increases urine output; Cardiac dropsy; Mitral and aortic regurgitation. |
3 | Aegal Mar | diarrhoea and indigestion |
4 | Ailanthus: | Difficult types of Tonsillitis with fever; Rough scraping feeling in throat; Cough with soreness; Useful for gargling. |
5 | Aletris f | Leucorrhea in tired anemic females; Uterine prolapse and discharge; Weakness with indigestion; Habitual abortion. |
6 | Alfalfa: | Increases appetite and vigor; Weakness and malnutrition; Induces good sleep.General tonic, appetizer and fat producer,producing milk in nursing mother |
7 | Allium sativa | High cholesterol; Hypertension; Cough with difficult expectoration |
8 | Ammi visnaga: | Promote expectoration; Externally on leucoderma |
9 | Amyl nitric: | Inhalation in syncope and convulsions; Dilates arteries, hence useful in MI. |
10 | Anagallis | Destroys warts and keloid when applied externally |
11 | Apocyanum | Dropsy, ascites, hydrocephalus; Hydrothorax; Renal dropsy |
12 | Aralia racemosa | Asthma with cough on lying down; Frequent sneezing and foreign body feeling in throat; Rawness and burning behind sternum |
13 | Arnica | Hematoma; External in rheumatic pains; Sprains and contusions; Hair growth promoter. Local massage for injury,falling of hair |
14 | Avena sativa: | Nerve weakness; Sexual weakness; Debilitating diseases; Bad effects of alcoholism; Induces sleep; Numbness.Tonic for nerves,nervous weakness |
15 | Arjuna | A heart tonic |
16 | Aspidosperma | Want of breath; Digitalis of lung; Increases oxidation; Pulmonary failure; Cardiac and uremic asthma.asthma, broncho dialater,oxygen deficiency |
17 | Asoka Q | tonic for women |
18 | Atista | for all types of worms |
19 | Balsm peru | In bronchitis to promote expectoration; Thick mucopurulent expectoration; Ext on old ulcers and cracked nipples; Reduce fetor and promote granulation |
20 | Baptisia: | typhoid fever,mild moderate fever, throat pain, with muscle soreness; Putrid condition; Fetor oris, dysphagia, tonsillitis |
21 | Bellis per | Muscle soreness after physical exertion; Injuries to deep tissues; DOMS |
22 | Berberis vulgaris: | kidney stone,urinary tract infection. Burning painful urination; Gall bladder stones; Joint pains; Gouty pains; Lumbago |
23 | Berberis aquifolium | external use for pimples, acne and spots Clears complexion; Psoriasis |
24 | Blatta orientalis: | Asthma with bronchitis, Asthma, asthmatic cough |
25 | Blumea odorata: | Bleeding piles; Dysentery; Menorrhagia; Barking cough |
26 | Boerrhaavia d | Asthma; Dropsy; Hypertension; Kidney disease; Ascites due to cirrhosis; High coloured urine, scanty; Rheumatic pains. |
27 | Brahmi (Bacopa m): | Impaired memory; Nerve tonic; External for hair growth and dandruff |
28 | Cardus mar | enlarged liver, jaundice with constipation |
29 | Cascara. Sag | constipation |
30 | Carica papaya | enlarged liver and spleen and indigestion, for increasing platelets count in dengue |
31 | Calendula | for antiseptic wash of wounds, externally used in injury; erysipelas; promotes granulation |
32 | Cassia sop: | Promotes expectoration in sinusitis |
33 | Cephalandra indica | Diabetes mellitus, burning all over body; boils and carbuncles; poor memory; loss of appetite; profuse urination. |
34 | Chamomilla | Lumbago, sciatica& IVDP pain |
35 | Cynodon Dect | – any type of bleeding |
36 | Chapparo amargosa | Chronic diarrhoea and Bacillary dysentery |
37 | Chelidonium | Enlarged liver, jaundice with loose motion. Liver failure; Gall bladder disease; Gall stone |
38 | Chelon | Every kind of worms |
39 | Cajuputum | Hiccough; Flatulency; Dysphagia; Fullness in the stomach; Gas trouble. |
40 | Chionanthes | Sick headache habits; Hepatic troubles; Diabetes, enlarged spleen and kala-azar |
41 | Cinnamon | Profuse bright red menses; Hiccough |
42 | Cistus can | Glandular swellings; Cancer of neck glands; Ulcerated cancers; Extremely sensitive to cold. |
43 | Cocheleria armoracia | Externally for Dandruff |
44 | Coffea cruda | Nervous headaches |
45 | Convellaria majalis | Increases energy of heart and render it more regular; Palpitation; Orthopnea; Dropsy. |
46 | Collinsonia | Obstinate constipation with protruding hemorrhoids; Portal congestion; Bleeding piles; Heart, piles and menstrual troubles alternate. |
47 | Corydalis formosa | Chronic disease with atony; Cancer with cachexia. |
48 | Crategeus ox | heart tonic and coronary artery blockage, Irregularity of heart; Reduces BP; Arteriosclerosis; Heart failure; Angina pectoris; Valvular murmurs. |
49 | Damiana | sexual weakness and less sperm, impotency, Headache; Aids establishment of normal menses in females; Impotecy |
50 | Drosera | Cough at night; Irritation in throat; Asthma on talking. |
51 | Echinacea | Infected wounds; Bites and stings; Ulcers; Eczema with sloughing, blood purifier antiseptic, mouth wash in aphthe, for gurgling in throat pain |
52 | Elaterium | Copious watery diarrhea. |
53 | Eriodyction (Yerba santa) | Cough with influenza; Cough after fever;Expectorant; Absorbs effusion; Rattling in infants |
54 | Equisetum | Bed wetting with no cause. |
55 | Garcenia | Increased triglycerides. |
56 | Fraxinus americanus | Uterine bleeding due to fibroid; Uterine prolapse; Dysmenorrhea, enlarged uterus with bleeding |
57 | Ficus rel | bright red blood from any orifice of the body |
58 | Fucus vers | Obesity; Goiter; Enlarged thyroid in fatty people. |
59 | Gentiana leut | Appetizer in children, increases appetite; Acid peptic disease; Abdominal colic; Flatulence. |
60 | Gentiana. Chirata. | chronic fever and blood purifier |
61 | Ginkgo biloba | Weakness; Improves circulation; Debilitating diseases. |
62 | Ginseng | Lumbago; Rheumatism; Extreme weakness; Weakness of genitals. |
63 | Grindelia: | Asthma on lying down; Bronchitis; Wheezing. |
64 | Guajacum | Rheumatism; Tonsillitis with rheumatism; Lumbago; Joint pains; Rheumatic fever |
65 | Gymnema sylvestra | Diabetes mellitus; Diabetic carbuncle. |
66 | Hamamelis v | Haemorrhage; Varicose veins; Bruised soreness; Bleeding piles. |
67 | Helonias | Uterine prolapse; diabetes. |
68 | Hydrastis | dyspepsia, constipation, liver dysfunction |
69 | Hydrangea | Urinary stones; Bloody urine; White gravel in urine, for breaking of kidney stone |
70 | Hydrocotyle: | Exfoliative scales; Dry eruptions; Itching of soles; Psoriasis, Leucoderma |
71 | Iris vers: | Sick headache with burning eructation; Burning of GIT. |
72 | Jaborandi: | Dandruff; Hair graying, for mumps and local use for falling of hair |
73 | Justicea: | cough expectorant, Suffocative cough; Whooping cough; Rattling. |
74 | Hydrastis: | Apthous stomatitis; Intestinal cancers; Cancerous ulcers; Gastric ulcers. |
75 | Kurchi | Amoebic dysentery |
76 | Lufa Bindal | – gall stones |
77 | Laurocerasus: | Cough with valvular disease; Gasping for breath; Dyspnoea; Asphyxia |
78 | Lithospermum: | Ureteric calculi. |
79 | Millefolium: | dark uterine bleeding and epistaxis, Bright red bleeding; Epistaxis; Bleeding piles; Haemoptysis; Continuous fever. |
80 | Natrum Hypo sulph | Locally and internally for Liver spots |
81 | Paeonia | Itching in the anus; Anal fistula; Fissures and piles; Burning pain after stool |
82 | Passiflora | Sleeplessness; Spasmodic cough; Asthma. |
83 | Pothos | Allergic bronchitis; Dust allergy. |
84 | Plantago: | Local use in pain due to carious teeth. |
85 | Piscidia: | Insomnia when passiflora does not work. |
86 | Pinus LT | Menses irregularity among married women |
87 | Pop can: | Instantaneous voice produce; Acute hoarseness. |
88 | Psoralea cor: | Externally in vitiligo, after which expose to sun; Stimulates melanocytes. |
89 | Quercus gland: | Takes away the craving for alcohol. |
90 | Ratanhia: | Painful anal fissures burn like fire. |
91 | Rauwolfia: | High blood pressure; Irritability and insanity. |
92 | Rhus glabra: | Apthous ulcer; Disinfects bowels; Bad smelling stools and flatus. |
93 | Robinia: | Burning eructation; Acid peptic disease; Gastric ulcer; Heartburn. |
94 | Sabal serrulata: | Prostate hypertrophy; Helps development of breasts in females. |
95 | Sambucus: | Suffocative attacks in children; Suffocative cough at night; Snuffles; Rattling. |
96 | Sanguinaria can: | Migraine; Sinusitis; Sick headache; Cough; Dyspnoea. |
97 | Sarothamnus scop (spartium scop): | Renal hypertension; Diuretic. (Rauwolfia doesn’t not help in renal HTN) |
98 | Sarracenia: | Aborts chicken pox; Preventive; Heals scar after chickenpox. |
99 | Sarsaparilla: | Renal calculi; Pus and gravel in urine; Pain at conclusion of urination; UTI |
100 | Scrophularia nodosa: | Enlarged glands; Breast lumps. |
101 | Scuttellaria: | School teacher’s headache; Migraine; Nervous headache; Renal failure. |
102 | Senecio aur: | Functional amenorrhea of young girls, In PCOD cases, it brings back periods. |
103 | Senega: | Difficult expectoration; Chronic bronchitis; Old asthmatics with congestive attacks; Effusion; Smokers cough |
104 | Solidago: | Repeated chest infection; Renal impairment; Scanty urine; Make use of catheter unnecessary; Purulent expectoration; Asthma with dysurea. |
105 | Spongia tosta: | Cough; Sore throat; Cough from tickling |
106 | Staphysagria: | Constipation; Externally for Head lice. |
107 | Streculia | for stamina/athletes |
108 | Stigmata maydis | : Enlarged prostate; Renal calculi; Cystitis; Hematuria. |
109 | Sulphuric acid | : 10 drops 3 times reduces craving for alcohol |
110 | Symphytum: | Gastric ulcers; fracture of bones. Promote callus formation. |
111 | Syzygium jamb | : Diabetes mellitus; sugar in urine; diabetes with skin lesions; prickly heat; externally on old ulcers; Diabetic ulcers. |
112 | Thuja | : Externally on difficult warts cases that do not respond to internal medication; spermatorrhea |
113 | Trillium. | menstrual bleeding from uterus red color |
114 | Usnea barb | Congestive headache; bursting feeling; throbbing of carotids |
115 | Urtica urence | : Urticaria; angioneurotic edema; Itching of the skin; Allergies; Diminished milk secretion; Arrests flow of milk after weaning |
116 | Uva ursi: | Cystitis and hematuria; Urging with burning and tearing pain; Blood, mucus, pus in the urine; UTI; Catheter fever. |
117 | Vesicaria | – Kidneys failure and dysuria |
118 | Valeriana | : Rheumatic pains; Sciatica; Arthritis; Pain due to disc prolapse and nerve root compression. |
119 | Veratrum virid: | High fever; Prevent pneumonia in upper respiratory infection; Pulsation allover body. |
120 | Viburnum Opul. | Q – painful menses |
121 | Viscum album: | Low BP; anti cancerous remedy, which is used in Ischador therapy also. |
122 | Wyethia | : Pharyngitis; Throat irritation; Irritable throat in singers; Throat irritation with dry cough |
123 | Xanthoxylum: | Early menses Neuralgic dysmenorrhea, Painful menses among young girls |
124 | Yohimbinum | sexual weakness and early ejaculation |
125 | Zingiber | Acidity; Nausea and vomiting; Morning sickness; Cough and asthma; Renal failure with complete anuria. |
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