How to study forensic medicine for various Medical PG examinations
Forensic medicine is a branch of medical science which deals with the application of medical knowledge to help or aid in the administration of justice.Forensic- originates from the Greek which means open forum
Other names Forensic medicine are legal medicine or state medicine.
Forensic medicine divided into two 1.Clinical forensic medicine.2.Forensic pathology:
From this book about 10 mark question will be expecting for NEET PG examination.
Some books you must be noted for studying forensic medicine are given below
- The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology ,Author: K.S. Narayan Reddy
- Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology including Clinical & Pathological Aspects,Author: Gautam Biswas
- forensic medicine,Author: J MAGENDRAN
Legal Procedure
- Inquest
- Types of courts
- Power of criminal court
- Evidence
- Oath
- Dying Declaration & Dying Deposition
- Witness &types of witness
- Conduct money, Subpoena- definition
- Medical negligence
Medical Law and Ethics
- Professional Misconduct or Infamous Conduct
- Privileged Communication
- Consent
- Res Ipsa Loquitur
- Euthanasia
- Health-Related Declarations of World Medical Council
- Indian Penal Code (IPC)&Different sections
- Court of law
Human Identification
- Corpus delicti
- Race determination from bone and teeth
- Sex determination from bones(KROGMAN’S TABLE)
- Age estimation method
- Rule of Hase
- Techniques
- Rugoscopy
- Hair
- Dactylography
- Teeth
- Poroscopy
- Anthropometry
- Techniques of organ dissection
- Types of Autopsy
- Embalming
- Preservation of Viscera in Poisoning
- Artefact
- Exhumation
- Suspended Animation
- Signs of Death
- Postmortem hypostasis
- Primary flaccidity
- Algor Mortis
- Rigor Mortis,
- Difference between rigor mortis&cadaveric spasm
- Livor mortis
- Changes In Eye
- Post – Mortem
- Hypostasis
- Putrefaction
- Adipocere
- Mummification
- Decomposition
- Criteria of Death
- Entomology
- Death Certificate
- Brain stem death
- Abrasion&classification
- Contusion
- Laceration
- Stab injury
- Incised Wound
- Hesitational and fabricated injuries
- Firearm Wounds
- Thermal Injuries
- Range of Firearms
- Atypical bullets
- Bomb Explosion Injuries
- Skull fracture
Burn Injuries
- Ante-mortem & Post mortem Burn
- Post Mortem findings in hanging and strangulation
- Various methods of strangulation
- Types and postmortem appearance of drowning
- Hyoid fracture
- Burn Classification
- Electrocution
- Lightening Injury
Sexual jurisprudence
- Rape&associated legal sections
- Various sexual perversions&terms
- Signs of virginity
- Dignosis of pregnancy
- Abortion&classification
- Test of live birth
Forensic toxicology
- Legal duties of a doctor in poisoning
- Diagonosis&vlassification of poisoning
- Metallic poisons
- Cardiac poisons
- Delirients
- Insecticide
- Snake bite
- Plant irritants
Forensic psychiatry
- Delusion&types
- Difference between psychosis and neurosis
- Classification of insanity
- The mental health act 1987