Mastitis is the inflammation of mammary gland and tissues usually caused by infection. It can happen to any woman, although mastitis is most common during the first 6 months of breastfeeding. Mastitis may only affect one breast at a time or — occasionally — both. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s called lactation mastitis.


Mastitis develops because of the blockage of milk ducts and milk stasis due to incomplete emptying of milk. Risk factors for milk stasis include blockage of milk ducts from pressure such as tight fitting clothing, using one breast for feeding child, and using the same position to feed the child. These result in improper drainage of milk from the breast. Other causes of mastitis is bacteria entering in breast and transfer of infection to milk ducts from damaged or cracked nipples and direct trauma to the breast.


Women who have mastitis may experience breast pain and may have a fever and feeling of being unwell. The pain is caused by swelling in the breast tissue. Other symptoms include:

  • breast tenderness, redness, enlargement, or sensitivity,warm area in breast tissue.
  • Itchiness.
  • liquid or pus discharge from nipple.
  • changes in sensation of the breast.
  • fever.
  • swollen lymph node on same side as affected breast.
  • lump in breast.


To determine if you have mastitis, your physician will perform a physical examination and ask you about your symptoms. No tests are usually required for breast-feeding women. However, if you are not breast-feeding, your doctor may request certain tests to better understand your condition. These may include mammography or a biopsy (a tissue sample).



Belladonna works well in the initial stage of inflammation of the breast. The breast is red and very swollen. Throbbing pains accompany the swelling. The pain is worse when lying down. Inflammation of breast after weaning is another strong indication to use Belladonna.

    Phytolacca is a top grade homeopathic medicine for mastitis. Phytolacca works well for swollen, painful breast with marked soreness. There is a stinging and shooting pain in the breast. Extreme sensitivity and tenderness of the breast are also symptoms. Hardness and a purple hue may also accompany. Nipples may also be cracked. Pain from the breast also radiates to the whole body while nursing the child.
    Croton Tig is yet another effective homeopathic medicine for mastitis. Symptoms indicative of using Croton Tig are a hard, swollen and inflamed breast. Another major indication for using Croton Tig is that the pain from the breast radiates to the back on nursing the child. The pain is mainly drawing in nature. Soreness of the nipples is also present.
  3. BRYONIA – Homeopathic Medicine for Mastitis with Stony Hard Breast. Bryonia is an excellent homeopathic treatment for mastitis. Its use is considered in cases of mastitis when the breasts are stony hard. The breasts are also hot, swollen and highly painful. The slightest motion worsens the pain in the breast, and the patient may need to support the breast with the hand. Resting seems to relieve the pain.
    Homeopathic Medicines for Mastitis When an Abscess is Formed. Silicea and Hepar Sulph are great homeopathic medicines for mastitis when an abscess gets formed. These medicines are very effective when treating suppurative conditions. They help in the drainage of pus without any surgical intervention. These medicines work well in cases of an abscess with pus discharge that may be offensive in nature, intense pain, sensitivity to touch, and chills.
    Acute forms of mastitis showing oedema which may be in the form of plaques frequently extending to the perineal area. Great swelling of mammae with serous discharge and followed by copious milk production. Dimnished secretion of milk after parturition.
  6. ARNICA MONTANNA – Mastitis as a result of injury to the breast tissue, Bloody secretion, Aggravated touch and motion. Relieved by lying down.
  7. APIS MELLIFICA- Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammary gland Swelling and hardness of the mammae threatening to ulcerate Parts are swollen, puffed up; becomes oedematous and of shiny, red rosy color, Decreased thirst, Aggravated by heat, touch, pressure and relieved by cold application.

9.CONIUM MACULATUM – Glands especially mammary gland is affected with engorgement and stony induration, Ill effects of contusion and blows, Chronic form of mastitis, Inflammation of the mammary gland, Scirrhus of the mammary gland after contusion.


Minimize your chances of getting mastitis by following these tips:
Fully drain the milk from your breasts while breast-feeding.
Allow your baby to completely empty one breast before switching to the other breast during feeding.
Change the position you use to breast-feed from one feeding to the next.
Make sure your baby latches on properly during feedings.
If you smoke, ask your doctor about smoking cessation.
Be sure to get treatment for mastitis. Delaying treatment can lead to a breast abscess, which can be harder to treat.

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Following a special diet can reduce symptoms, and may help you better manage an illness or condition.
Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland usually caused by a bacterial infection. Poor nutrition does not cause mastitis, but poor nutrition can make it easier for bacteria to become established in the mammary gland, resulting in increased rates of mastitis.

Maintain good hydration by drinking plenty of fluids and do not stop breastfeeding as emptying your breasts will help relieve the clogged duct. You can alternate warm and cold compresses and use gentle massage to the affected breast.

Cabbage leaves can help with a host of breastfeeding discomforts.

Eat Vitamin – C rich foods –oranges, red pepper, kiwi, broccoli, brussels sprouts, potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes etc.

Garlic – Raw garlic may act as a broad-spectrum antibiotic and stimulate the immune system.
Essential oils may also help with mastitis as well.

Thanks and Regards
Dr. Ranjna sharma
Himachal Pradesh.

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