Specific test for each diseases

Alpha-fetoprotein blood test-early detection of liver cancer

Pilocarpine iontophoresis test– to diagnose cystic fibrosis

Colonoscopy-colon cancer

Schiller’s test-Carcinoma cervix

Schilling’s test-B12 deficiency

Kveim test-Sarcoidosis

Mammography-breast cancer

Schick test, Elek’s test -Diphtheria

Dick test-Scarlet fever

CA-125 test-ovarian camcer

VDRL, FTA, TPAH tests,
Khan test, Wasserman test -Syphilis

Tuberculin test-diagnosis of tuberculosis

Fluorescent treponemal
antibody test (FTA)
Mitsuda test, Dharmendra
test-Hansen’s disease

8 hr 4 cortisol test-Most specific & reliable &diagnostic test for addiso

Thoracentesis-the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the pleural space

Valsalva test-To find autonomic dysfunction

Skin scraping test-Fungal infections

RAST test(radio allergosorbent technique)-Atopic eczema
Patch test-Contact dermatitis

Slit skin test-Leprosy

Rinne’s test-In disease of middle ear, bone conduction is better than air conduction. In nerve deafness both are lost

Weber’s test-Sensorineural deafness: better heard by uninvolved ear:
conduction deafness: better heard by involved ear

ABC test (absolute bone
conduction test)-Perceptive deafness: examiner hears vibration; patient can’t

Lundh test-Pancreatic disease

Coomb’s test-Autoimmune haemolysis

Paul bunnel test-Infectiousmononucleosis
Widal test-Typhoid
ASO titer->200 todd unit: Rheumatic fever

Latex fixation test, Rose waaler test-
(sheep cell agglutination
test)-Rheumatoid arthritis

Ginslin’s test-Test for bile pigments

Perthe’s test-Deep vein thrombosis

Shwartz test-Varicose veins

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