Top 100 homoeopathic mother tinctures and its indications
Alternative medicine is gaining traction in India, with homeopathy being one of the most popular options. Homeopathy works on the principle of “like cures like” and uses highly diluted preparations from natural sources to alleviate ailments.Here is a numbered list of 100 common homoeopathic mother tinctures and their main indications
In this comprehensive guide, we present a ready reckoner of 100 common homeopathic remedies and their primary uses. From tried and tested medicines like Arnica for injuries to lesser known ones like Clematis for headaches, it covers a gamut of tinctures tailored to treat both acute and chronic conditions.
The list encompasses homes staples like Allium Cepa for colds and Natrum Mur for headaches along with exotics like Pyrogenium for sepsis and Hamamelis for hemorrhoids. Laypersons and experts alike will find this quick reference table helpful to understand the vast repertoire of homeopathy.
With India projected to be a $17 billion market for alternative medicine by 2025, homeopathy stands poised for growth. This guide with 100 of the most popular remedies and their indications will allow readers to make informed choices about homeopathic treatment. It is a handy primer for those new to the world of homeopathy as well as seasoned users looking to expand their knowledge.
Homoeopathic mother tinctures and its indications
No. | Remedy | Main Indications |
1. | Aconitum Napellus | Anxiety, fever, colds, coughs, earaches |
2. | Allium Cepa | Hayfever, colds, coughs, hoarseness |
3. | Antimonium Tartaricum | Rattling chest cough, pneumonia |
4. | Apis Mellifica | Allergies, hives, insect bites |
5. | Argentum Nitricum | Anxiety, stage fright, phobias |
6. | Arnica Montana | Bruises, strains, sprains, injuries |
7. | Arsenicum Album | Food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea |
8. | Belladonna | Fever, sore throat, ear infection |
9. | Bryonia | Cough, pleurisy, joint pain |
10. | Calcarea Carbonica | Colds, constipation, joint pain |
11. | Calendula | Wounds, ulcers, skin injuries |
12. | Cantharis | Cystitis, urinary burning |
13. | Carbo Vegetabilis | Indigestion, flatulence, fainting |
14. | Causticum | Hoarseness, cough, facial paralysis |
15. | Chamomilla | Teething, earache, irritability |
16. | Cocculus | Motion sickness, dizziness, nausea |
17. | Drosera | Cough, laryngitis, croup |
18. | Dulcamara | Colds after getting wet/cold |
19. | Euphrasia | Eye inflammation, hayfever |
20. | Ferrum Phosphoricum | Early stages of fever, colds |
21. | Gelsemium | Flu, fever, fatigue, anxiety |
22. | Graphites | Skin conditions, constipation |
23. | Hepar Sulph | Croup, sore throats, ear infections |
24. | Hypericum | Injuries to nerves, tailbone |
25. | Ignatia | Grief, headache, insomnia |
26. | Ipecac | Nausea, vomiting, cough |
27. | Kali Bichromicum | Sinusitis, post-nasal drip |
28. | Kali Carbonicum | Back pain, joint pain, insomnia |
29. | Kali Mur | Head colds, ear infections, sinusitis |
30. | Lachesis | Sore throat, sensitivity to heat |
31. | Ledum | Insect bites, puncture wounds |
32. | Lycopodium | Bloating, gas, indigestion |
33. | Magnesia Phosphorica | Menstrual cramps, colic |
34. | Mercurius | Toothache, sore throat, sweating |
35. | Natrum Mur | Headaches, colds, hayfever |
36. | Nux Vomica | Hangover, indigestion, irritability |
37. | Phosphorus | Coughs, hoarseness, sore throat |
38. | Pulsatilla | Colds, sinusitis, mood swings |
39. | Rhus Toxicodendron | Joint pain, flu, strains |
40. | Ruta | Injuries to tendons, ligaments |
41. | Silicea | Slow healing wounds, fatigue |
42. | Spongia | Croup, hoarseness, dry cough |
43. | Staphysagria | Cystitis, injuries, anger |
44. | Sulphur | Skin eruptions, burns, itching |
45. | Symphytum | Bone fractures, joint pain |
46. | Thuja | Warts, insomnia, anxiety |
47. | Urtica Urens | Hives, skin rashes, burns |
48. | Veratrum Album | Vomiting, diarrhea, cramps |
49. | Eupatorium Perfoliatum | Flu, bone pain, chills |
50. | Glonoinum | Headache, sunstroke, heatstroke |
51. | Hamamelis | Varicose veins, hemorrhoids |
52. | Hyoscyamus | Anxiety, twitching, delirium |
53. | Kreosotum | Tooth decay, bleeding gums |
54. | Lobelia | Asthma, cough, nausea |
55. | Medorrhinum | Urinary issues, joint pain |
56. | Melilotus | Headache, vertigo, nosebleed |
57. | Natrum Sulphuricum | Headache, asthma, diarrhea |
58. | Nitric Acid | Warts, fissures, ulcers |
59. | Petroleum | Eczema, dry skin, dandruff |
60. | Phosphoric Acid | Headache, fatigue, grief |
61. | Phytolacca | Sore throat, tonsillitis, glandular swelling |
62. | Platina | Anxiety, numbness, cramping |
63. | Psorinum | Eczema, asthma, joint pain |
64. | Pyrogenium | Sepsis, fever, restlessness |
65. | Ranunculus Bulbosus | Skin rashes, joint pain |
66. | Robinia | Heartburn, nausea, vomiting |
67. | Sabadilla | Hayfever, headache, worms |
68. | Sanguinaria | Headache, vertigo, nasal congestion |
69. | Sepia | Hormonal issues, headache, constipation |
70. | Silica | Brittle nails, sweating feet, fatigue |
71. | Spigelia | Headache, neuralgia, eye pain |
72. | Sticta Pulmonaria | Sinus headache, sinusitis |
73. | Stramonium | Fright, fever, teeth grinding |
74. | Sulfuricum Acidum | Cough, wheezing, sore throat |
75. | Tabacum | Nausea, vertigo, fainting |
76. | Tarentula Hispanica | Restlessness, twitching, cramps |
77. | Teucrium Marum | Vertigo, fainting, itching |
78. | Thiosinaminum | Scar tissue, keloids, adhesions |
79. | Urica Urens | Gout, joint pain, urinary issues |
80. | Valeriana | Anxiety, insomnia, headache |
81. | Zincum Metallicum | Anxiety, fatigue, hair loss |
82. | Abrotanum | Marasmus, emaciation, debility |
83. | Anacardium Orientale | Memory loss, dermatitis, diarrhea |
84. | Conium Maculatum | Vertigo, injuries, induration |
85. | Cypripedium Pubescens | Nervous exhaustion, insomnia, nightmares |
86. | Digitalis Purpurea | Heart conditions, slow pulse |
87. | Helliborus Niger | Depression, mania, epilepsy |
88. | Kalium Bromatum | Anxiety, insomnia, impotence |
89. | Lachesis Mutus | Sore throat, fever, jealousy |
90. | Opium | Constipation, nausea, respiratory depression |
91. | Plumbum Metallicum | Paralysis, constipation, neuropathy |
92. | Stannum Metallicum | Asthma, cough, laryngitis |
93. | Aesculus Hippocastanum | Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, back pain |
94. | Agaricus Muscarius | Chorea, twitching, spasms |
95. | Alumina | Constipation, dryness, paralysis |
96. | Ambra Grisea | Nervousness, sleeplessness, twitching |
97. | Ammonium Carbonicum | Cough, asthma, flatulence |
98. | Anacardium Orientale | Dermatitis, diarrhea, memory loss |
99. | Antimonium Crudum | Gastritis, dermatitis, nausea |
100. | Apocynum Cannabinum | Dropsy, ascites, edema |