How i cure Vitiligo?|vitiligo important points

Vitiligo is a long-term condition where pale white patches develop on the skin. It is depigmentation disorder due to loss of epidermal melanocytes. How can i cure vitiligo?

Around 70 million people across the world have vitiligo.

20-35% of patients with vitiligo are children.

The most obvious sign that someone has Vitiligo, is the lighter patches that appear on their skin. These patches may vary in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres in width. Sometimes these patches go unnoticed, especially if the skin is naturally light in colour.

Vitiligo patches are more obvious in those people with darker skin tones because there is a sharper contrast between the normally pigmented skin and the paler patches. Often, these patches turn pinkish before they become almost completely white, sometimes with a little itchiness or a stinging sensation.

Vitiligo patches can occur anywhere on the body, but they are commonly first noticed in places that are more often exposed to the sun. This means that the patches would appear first on the hands, feet, arms, legs, and face. Occasionally, each white patch has an inflamed, reddish border.

Although Vitiligo patches have no symptoms other than physical appearance, the psychosocial impact and physical disfigurement of the condition are devastating to many people.

In many instances, re-pigmentation is possible if the damaged melanocytes are stimulated with the appropriate treatment for a particular condition.

Most people with Vitiligo are healthy and have normal skin sensation and texture. Vitiligo may be more common in people that have certain autoimmune diseases. These may include vitamin B-12 deficiency anaemia known as pernicious anaemia, Addison’s disease, or thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

If you have an autoimmune disease, and white patches start to appear on your skin, chances are it is Vitiligo. Vitiligo also has the potential to affect all races and both sexes equally.

Vitiligo differs from person to person and progresses differently for everyone. This makes the disease development challenging to predict. Vitiligo may cause significant psychological problems, and people with Vitiligo have reported associated feelings of depression, embarrassment, anxiety, and shame.

Pathogenesis of vitiligo

Pathogenesis: it’s due to autoimmune process which causes destruction of the melanocytes.

Associations: Vitiligo is associated with other autoimmune conditions like: pernicious anemia, autoimmune thyroid disease (usually Graves’ or chronic autoimmune thyroiditis), type 1 diabetes mellitus, primary adrenal insufficiency, hypopituitarism, and alopecia areata

clinical features of vitiligo

What are the early signs of Vitiligo?

Clinical Featutes : Description: progressive, acquired, chalk-white, bilateral (usually symmetric), sharply marginated macules with hyperpigmented borders in typical sites.

Distribution: 1) Localised type :It is characterized by one or several macules in a single site

2) Generalized vitiligo -It is characterized by widespread distribution of depigmented macules, often in a remarkable symmetry – Typical macules occur around the eyes and mouth and on digits, elbows, and knees, as well as on the low back and in genital areas.

These are the common conditions that look like Vitiligo but are now
• Tinea versicolor – is a yeast infection that can create dark spots on light skin and white spots on dark skin.
• Albinism – is a genetic condition that results in little or no production of melanin, resulting in very pale or white skin, hair, and eyes.
• Pityriasis alba – is a low-grade type of eczema or dermatitis mainly seen in children, first presenting as pink, scaly patches which fade and then become lighter.

No two cases of vitiligo are the same, and whether the patches will spread depends on the type of vitiligo you have.

Vitiligo can be treated, and it is important to keep perceptions in line with reality! Commitment and adherence to the available treatment options are important when managing Vitiligo.
Make sure you eat healthy foods and drink lots of water.
It is important to supplement with certain vitamins and supplements.

If you have white spots or patches beginning to appear on your skin and are unsure if it is Vitiligo or not, please contact one of our consultants and they will help you further.

Vitiligo has often a genetic component

How i manage of vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a curable disease. Vitiligo is a disorder that is caused by the lack of melanin produced by skin cells called melanocytes which leads to discoloration. For speedy recovery of vitiligo, follow the diet given below-

Eat walnut and flax seeds to your diet as they are anti-inflammatory. They contain Omega 3 and Vitamin B12 which enhance melanin production
Eat apricot and chia seeds
Eat beetroot as it helps in melanin production
Eat pomegranate, carrot, radish, spinach, and methi as they are iron-rich foods and help in the speedy recovery of vitiligo
— Papaya, Chiku, and Guava can be eaten
— Wheat momos without chutney
— Pulses, Rice, and Milk can be consumed
— Gap of two hours between the meal and milk should be there
— Avoid the combination of hot and cold food or vice-versa
— Replace Maida with wheat or multigrain
— Avoid curd and cheese as it slows down metabolism
— Avoid junk and frozen food
— Avoid non-veg as it is heavy to digest

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