Important “Rose” in medical terms

Rose sign – DVT. Rose spot – typhoid. Rose Waller test- rheumatoid factor. Rose pink rash- erysipelas. Rose thorn ulcer- Crohn disease. Rose Bengal stain- Sjogren syndrome( eye Rose Bengal card test- Brucella. Rose garder’s disease- sporothrix scheinki. Rose position- adenoidectomy / tonsillectomy. Rosewater syndrome-a […]

FMGE:SCREENING TEST;Application invited

 FMGE screening test,Application invited,now you can submit application as guidelines given below.Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE), is a screening test,is a licensure examination conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) in India.It is conducting every year. The test is one of the mandatory requirements for an Indian citizen who […]


Gynecology comparison between labia majora and scrotum bartholins gland uterus ;uterine wall uterine appendages layers of fallopian tube menstruation cycle mullerian duct anomalies lichen sclerosus uterine prolapse endometriosis Ca ovary, steps of staging laparotomy. Abnormal Bleeding: Management metropathia haemorrhagica GTD PCOS: Criteria Patho-Physiology Management of […]


Trios of homoeopathic medicine are given below disease conditions medicines Trio of Hyper- aesthesia Plumbum, China,Capsicum. Trio of Thirstlessness Apis,Aethusa,Pulsatilla. Trio of Delirium Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium. Trio of Masturbation and Excessive venery Nux vomica , Staphysagria , Bufo rana. Trio of Croup Aconite, Spongia, Hepar […]