- First nosode-Ambra grisea
- Second nosode-psorinum
- Digitalis of Kidneys-solidago
- Friend of Occulist-calcarea carb
- Gregory’s powder-magcarb
- Hahnemann’s greatest polychrest remedy -nux vomica
- Homoeopathic antiseptic-calendula
- Homoeopathic catheter-sabal serrulata
- Liver of Sulphur-hepar sulph
- Schussler’s bone salt-calcarea Flour
- Schussler’sPulsatilla-kali sulph
- Sometimes makes the use of the catheter unnecessary-solidago
- The weather cock among remedies-pulsatilla
- Liquid knife-kali iod
- Therapeutic lancet-aconite
- This irritant poison is commonly known as Lunar Caustic-argentum
- Correcter of Blood dyscrasia-echinacea
- Nux-v symptoms in female-gratiola
- Often does away with the use of the knife-myristica
- Often replaces the use of the catheter-thalapsi
- Aconite of chronic diseases-alumina
- Aconite of renal system-solidago
- Aconite of veins capillary system-hammamelis
- Homoeopathic dynamic antiseptic-pyrogen
- Homocopathic Lancet-heparsulph
- Human Thermometer-merc sol
- Known as “Bone-set-eupatorium
- Human barometer-phosphurus,merc
- Lack of vital heat in acute diseases-ledum pal
- Lack of vital heat in chronic diseases-sepia
- Digitalis of Lungs-aspidosperma
- Carbo veg of the surgeon-stramonium
- “Arbor Vitae”a tree of life thuja
- Chamomilla of chronic diseases-gratiola