Kerala psc recruitment for assistant professor jobs in homoeopathic medical colleges

Applications are invited online only through ONE TIME REGISTRATION from qualified candidates for appointment in Government Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in Kerala under below mentioned posts in Kerala Government Service.

Post: Assistant professor in blow mentioned subjects

No of vacancies:29

Method of : Direct Recruitment,omr test&interview

Age limit : Qualifications:22-38; Only candidates born between 02/01/1982 and 01/01/1998 (both dates are included) are eligible to apply for this post with usual relaxation to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Communities. (For other conditions regarding the age relaxation please see para 2 of the General Conditions.)


A Postgraduate Degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject recognized by the Central Council of Homoeopathy and included in the Second Schedule of Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 (Central Act 59 of 1973).

Permanent Registration with Travancore- Cochin Medical Council.
Note I:- Postgraduate Degree mentioned above is the PG Degree acquired after three year regular attendance.
Note II:- In subjects namely Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Practice of Medicine and Community Medicine in the absence of qualified hands having requisite qualification as mentioned above , the candidates who hold Post Graduate Degree in Homoeopathy shall be Qualified to be appointed in the respective subjects.

Mode of submitting Application:
a) Candidates must register as per “ONE TIME REGISTRATION” with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission before
applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to apply for a post. The Photograph uploaded should be one taken after 31.12.2010. Name of the candidate and the date of photograph taken should be printed legibly at the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall be valid for 10 years from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required.

Last date for receipt of applications:- 30.09.2020, Wednesday upto 12.00

Address to which applications are to be submitted:-

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