The Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) is located in Medical college PO, Thrissur, Kerala, India . KUHS was established by the ‘Kerala University of Health Sciences Act 2010’, for giving proper and systematic instruction,teaching,training and research in various medical systems including modern medicine and AYUSH Systems.Under this KUHS university various system of medicine like Modern Medicine, Homoeopathy and Indian Systems of Medicine including Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani and other allied sciences properly teaches as academic programmes in medical and allied subjects in the State of Kerala.Here we are discussing about courses,eligibility,colleges and syllabus offered by KUHS(Kerala University of Health Sciences)
KUHS Picture
It is mandatory to affiliate all Colleges and Institutions in Kerala, Imparting professional education in health care under the KUHS. So far 296 professional colleges have been affiliated to KUHS
KUHS is not a deemed university,itcomes under state government.
Chancellor,pro-chancellor,vice chancellor of kerala university of health and science
The Chancellor
Shri Arif Mohammed Khan Hon. Governor of Kerala
The Pro-Chancellor
Smt. Veena George Hon. Minister for Health and Family Welfare of Kerala
Prof. (Dr.) Mohanan Kunnummal
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Dr. C. P. Vijayan
Important information about KUHS(Kerala university of Health and Science)
Bachelor of Cardiovascular Technology (BCVT) B.Sc. Medical Biochemistry
B Sc Optometry
B.Sc. Medical Microbiology
E Bachelor of Occupational
Therapy (BOT)
B.Sc Dialysis Technology
M.Sc Audiology
Master of Public Health (MPH)
M.Sc. MLT – Microbiology
M.Sc. Clinical Nutrition
MPT Orthopaedics
MPT Neurology
M.Sc. MLT- Pathology
M.Sc. MLT – Biochemistry
MPT Paediatrics
M.Sc Medical Microbiology
Post M.Sc. Diploma in Radiological Physics (Dip.RP)
M.Sc Medical Biochemistry
MPT Musculo Skeletal and Sports
MPT Cardio Respiratory
M.Sc speech language Pathology MASTER OF OPTOMETRY (M.OPTOM)
M.Sc. Medical Physiology
M.Phil Clinical Psychology M Phil Clinical
M.Sc. Medical Physiology
M.Phil Clinical Psychology
M Phil Clinical Epidemology(Part Time)
M. Phil Psychiatric Social Work
M.Phil in Early intervention for Developmental Disorders
M Phil Clinical Epidemology Ph.D(Paramedical and Allied Health Science)
B.Sc. Nursing (Ayurveda)
B.Pharm (Ayurveda)
Is there any chance to postpone KUHS exam?
If any chance to postpone KUHS exam,you get notified via KUHS website.Please check regularly notification bar of KUHS website
Is KUHS is deemed university?
No,KUHS is not a deemed university.The Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) was established by the ‘Kerala University of Health Sciences Act 2010’, for ensuring proper and systematic instruction, teaching, training and research in Modern Medicine, Homoeopathy and Indian Systems of Medicine including Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani and other allied sciences and also to have uniformity in the various academic programmes in medical and allied subjects in the State of Kerala.
How many colleges are under KUHS university?
So far 296 professional colleges have been affiliated to the University.The University is mandated to affiliate all Colleges and Institutions in Kerala, Imparting professional education in health care.So far 296 professional colleges have been affiliated to the University
What type of university is KUHS?
It is university under state goverment of kerala for ensuring quality medical education
Who is the vice chancellor of KUHS university?
Prof. (Dr.) Mohanan Kunnummal is now the vice chancellor of Kerala university of health and science
Who is the chancellor of KUHS?
Hon. Governor of Kerala is the chancellor of Kerala university of health and science
Is KUHS under Higher Education Department?
Yes its under state governtment of kerala Is KUHS NAAC accredited?
Who is the vice chancellor of KUHS?
Prof. (Dr.) Mohanan Kunnummal is now the vice chancellor of Kerala university of health and science
Where is KUHS university located?
In thrissur,medical college po,Thrissur,Kerala,India
Is KUHS University good?
Yes,due to KUHS is role model university for medical education under state government
Is KUHS under Kerala University?
No,kerala university is one of other university under UGC
Is KUHS a central university?
no its not central university,its under state government of kerala
When was KUHS established?
Is Amrita under KUHS?
yes Amriyha institute of medical science is under KUHS
Where is KUHS located?
When was KUHS started?
The Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) was established by the ‘Kerala University of Health Sciences Act 2010