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Rubella: neet pg short notes

Rubella is one of childhood infection caused by toga virus,self limiting disease presenting as eruption. Here we provides neet pg notes of rubella

Other names: German Measles, Third Disease

Rubella neet pg notes: Causes

• Rubella is caused by Togavirus,which is a RNA virus

Incubation Period = 14-21 days But it may vary foto 18 days

The patient is infective 5 days before and 5 days after the day the rash starts.

Clinical features

• Postauricular, cervical and suboccipital lymphadenopathy,may
appear as early as 7 days before the appearance of the rash on the body.
• Macular rash spreads from hairline downwards, clearing as it
spreads. The rash disappears by the third day. –

Forschemier’s Spots
• (palatal petechiae), also seen in scarlet fever and infectious

Lab test
• The most widely used serological diagnostic test is the
haemagglutination inhibition test.


Usually no treatment needed, self limiting


• Arthritis especially among women, encephalitis, thrombocytopenic
purpura, malformations in utero.
• Infection during the first 4 weeks of pregnancy: Cataract in 70%;
during weeks 4-8: patent ductus arteriosus; during weeks 8-12:

• Live attenuated RA 27/3 vaccine, produced in human diploid
fibroblast; seroconversion occurs in more than 95%; pregnancy
is considered a contraindication to rubella immunization.

Also read:Measles:simplified notes

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