Top homoeopathic mother tinctures for insomnia
Here we are discussing about some useful homoeopathic mother tinctures for insomnia or sleeplessness
Passiflora Q:first & best homoeopathic mother tinctures insomnia
One of the first homoeopathic mother tincture for insomnia,one of excellent preparation for sleeplessness
Symptoms:Sleeplessness due to insanity and worries.
dose; Give 20 drops a dose before 30 minutes at bed time till asleep, produces normal sleep.
Piper methy.3x :best homoeopathic medicine for sleeping disorder
Symptoms:It is helpful if anxiety in case of sleeplessness as it relieves both anxiety and insomnia. It produces deep and restful sleep.
dose;20 drop 3 times
Also read:top homoeopathic remedies for excessive sleep
Piscidia Q
It is another homoeopathic sleep remedy for adult patient
Insomnia due to worry, nervous excitement,dysmenorrhea, coughs and pains.
dose;Give 30-40 drops a dose near bed time. Generally one dose is sufficient to produce long and undisturbed sleep.
Scutelaria lat. 3x
It is another best homoeopathic remedy for best sleep
Its use relaxes the nervous tension and induces inner calm and relieves sleeplessness.
dose;20 drops 3 times a day
Valeriana Q
Insomnia due to nocturnal itching. Insomnia during pregnancy or menopause.
dose;15 drops 2 times a day
Cuprum met. 12x
Sleeplessness due to cramps in the body.
Hypericum Q
Insomnia or agitated sleep due to mental trauma or stress
dose;10 drops in ½ cup of watertension and anxiety. It does not interfere in the normal mental activity.
Lupulus 3x
The patient feels drowsy but cannot sleep. Its use produces a deep lethargic sleep. It isspecially useful in cases of hysteria and drunkards.
Avena sativa Q
Sleeplessness in alcoholics
dose;10 drops in ½ cup of water morphine habits.
Cannabis ind. Q
Very sleepy but unable to do so. Obstinate
dose;10 drops in ½ cup of watersevere forms of insomnia. Give 10 drops a dose.
Cataria nep. Q
It relieves sleeplessness of children.It cures colic and produces sleep.
dose;5 drops in ½ cup of water not sleep due to colic.
Chininum ars. 6
They produce sleep after taking one dose only
Alfalfa Q,
Sleeps better in the morning. It induces quite,peaceful and refreshing sleep..
dose;10drops 2times a ay
Ammonium val. 3x
Insomnia especially during pregnancy andmenopause, with neuralgic headache.
dose;15drops 3times a day
Apomorphinum mur. 3c (tds)
Produces sleep
dose; one or two doses hourly.